Vibratory Massage

At some point in your treatment program it may be necessary to use vibratory massage within your chiropractic treatment. This is a mechanical method of vibrating the tissues and muscles surrounding your problem area. This vibratory massage aids in further relaxing your muscles and the surrounding tissues.

You will also hear the chiropractor talk about “trigger points.” These are tight hard spots found in the muscle which create spasm and thereby discomfort and pain. These trigger points can be released through direct pressure and through vibratory massage. Once released, it enables the chiropractor to execute a comfortable and more effective chiropractic adjustment.

This relaxation, nerve stimulation, and increased circulation will enhance your healing process and make you a happier and healthier individual, sooner!

Vibratory massage also aids in increasing circulation in the involved area when used over the entire spine and/or the extremities. It will greatly increase the overall circulation and therapy will assist in draining the lymphatic system.